Arabia’s first online platform for children

According to statistics from the Arab Thought Foundation, Arab children read only 6 minutes a year, while “Western” children read 12,000 minutes.

In an effort close this gap, Page-84 partnered with Allmanhal to create the world’s first online Arab reading and educational platform for children aged 5 to 12 years.

In just 4 months, we developed the brand and platform experience with Almanhal – starting with the business model, web concept, platform functionality, screen design and user experience and the marketing concept targeting the ‘teacher community’.

In nur 4 Monaten haben wir die Marken- und Plattform-Erfahrung mit Almanhal entwickelt – angefangen mit dem Geschäftsmodell, Web-Konzept, Plattform-Funktionalität, Screen-Design und User-Experience bis hin zum Marketing-Konzept für die “Lehrer-Community”.

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